Focus Groups
A highly successful User Group, targeted at the IT professionals in LOOK supported TECs, has been meeting regularly since mid 1993. This group has been instrumental in developing the relationship between LOOK and its Client base, establishing the LOOK Support Services and stabilising the Core Software products.

The User Group will continue to provide the opportunity for contact and exchange of ideas between its members as well as providing the input to enable LOOK to further enhance the support services provided.

Recognition of the need to develop a long term strategy for the development of the Core Business Applications resulted in the formation in February 1995 of a new User Group of TEC Senior Management (the Business group). The primary aim of this group is to establish the medium to long term business needs of the TECs and identify the computer Technologies, Hardware and Application Development required to address these needs.

In conjunction with LOOK Systems, the Business group and associated Product Focus groups of TEC computer users are identifying and prioritising, on an on-going basis, enhancements and additions to the existing core products.

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