To manage and administrate TEC funded training services, LOOK Systems offers its Training Schemes Management Package (TSMP). The object of TSMP is to support the Training and Enterprise Council in the provision of Youth Credits, Training for Work and Modern Apprenticeship services.

Comprehensive Database

The hub of the TSMP is a central database facility. This contains full details of trainees and their attendance on training schemes. The database also supports the administration of Training Credits, including the calculation of various values for each credit according to funding bands. Details of trainees' weekly attendances are held on the database, as are details of all NVQs and other positive outcomes which may be achieved by trainees. The database supports the provision of a full range of classification codes per trainee including such codes as ethnic groups, disabilities and special training needs. The trainee database is designed to integrate easily with the contracts database for claims purposes.

Information Management

The main functions of the system are to maintain details of trainees, their attendances and training course details. Functionality also includes the ability to accept input, via diskette, from the Career Service and, eventually, the training supplier. Information from the latter will include individual’s basic details as well as details of course, NVQ and regular attendance/claim updates. There are also a number of functions provided to maintain standard reference data such as funding bands, NVQs, areas etc.

Claims Handling

TSMP is well equipped to handle claims made periodically by training suppliers and includes functionality to record details of trainees’ attendances on training schemes, outcomes achieved and allowances paid. Attendance is processed by assuming complete week attendance for each week of the specified period followed by the input of appropriate amendments. Outcomes and allowances are recorded as lists of achievements and receipts. Claims from training suppliers can be handled as either a paper claim where the TEC generates information on the computer, or electronically by diskette from the TSMP Provider System. In the case of the latter all claim generation is done at the training supplier end and imported to the TEC database where trained managers check the validity of the claim.


The system provides a full range of reporting facilities, including those required by TEED in accordance with Annex J of the standard TEC Operating Agreement. A full range of internal four weekly and quarterly reports is also provided, together with front end facilities to enable the production of a flexible range of ad hoc queries and reports.

System Security

The system is menu driven and contains the facility for different menu options to be allocated to different users. This allows the system administrator to control access, functionality options and data availability by constructing menus that only contain the options required by each user.

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